General information about ADHD
In these sections the user will be able to access information about ADHD, its repercussions, the available medications and the adverse effects they produce. We hope that this information will be useful in deciding on ADHD treatment preferences.
Improved clinical global impression
The clinical global impression is a subjective measure of symptom severity and the efficacy of the treatment given to you by your doctor, based on his/her experience.
What is the clinical global impression?
The clinical global impression is a subjective measure of symptom severity and the efficacy of the treatment given to you by your doctor based on their experience. A doctor assesses symptom severity on a scale ranging from “the person normal, not at all ill ” to “the person is among the most extremely ill patients.” The doctor also evaluates how much a patient improves from treatment using a scale ranging from “the patient has improved considerably” to “the patient has got considerably worse”.
Do you need to make a clinical decision?
EVIMATIC® is the first digital health tool that generates decentralized, automated, personalized, participatory and explanatory treatment recommendations that are presented in the format of clinical practice guidelines.
Do you need to make a clinical decision?
EVIMATIC® is the first digital health tool that generates decentralized, automated, personalized, participatory and explanatory treatment recommendations that are presented in the format of clinical practice guidelines.