General information about ADHD
In these sections the user will be able to access information about ADHD, its repercussions, the available medications and the adverse effects they produce. We hope that this information will be useful in deciding on ADHD treatment preferences.
Selection of outcomes (therapeutic goals)
With Evimatic®, the benefit-risk analysis is personalized, as it is the user who defines the parameters of this relationship. In the current version, this is done by indicating the patient’s characteristics and preferences regarding outcomes.
To facilitate preference selection for people without specific training in health sciences, Evimatic® includes an educational module that provides information about ADHD, its impacts, available treatments, their effectiveness, and their side effects. This information helps non-expert users decide their preferences or treatment goals.
To select preferences, users must indicate the importance (critical, important, not important) of various efficacy outcomes and adverse effects. Following the GRADE methodology, Evimatic® will analyze the scientific evidence for outcomes marked as “critical,” which will become the user’s “preferences.” Evimatic® will then analyze the benefit-risk ratio of treatments based on the scientific evidence for the selected preferences and, finally, identify the treatments most likely to successfully achieve these preferences.
What does “preferences” mean?
Preferences refer to the goals that the user wishes to achieve with treatment. To aid in this choice, a list of objectives is provided, which can be of three types: related to efficacy, adverse effects, and treatment acceptability.
What are efficacy-related therapeutic goals?
Therapeutic goals are aspects of ADHD that the user wants to improve or prevent with treatment. Several therapeutic goals have been included, and the user must indicate the importance they attribute to each. Evimatic® provides information to help non-expert users determine their significance.
What are adverse effects?
Adverse effects are harmful reactions caused by treatment. Users must indicate the importance they assign to each adverse effect. Evimatic® also provides information about adverse effects to help determine their significance.
What is acceptability?
Acceptability is the extent to which the beneficial effects of a treatment outweigh its adverse effects. For ADHD treatments, treatment discontinuation is used as a measure of acceptability. If a treatment results in significant health improvements and few adverse effects, it is unlikely that the patient will stop taking it.
How is the importance of each therapeutic goal specified?
The user must specify the relevance they assign to each therapeutic goal by indicating whether it is critical, important, or not important.
An efficacy-related therapeutic goal is critical when the user considers it essential to achieve this outcome with the treatment.
A specific adverse effect is critical if the user believes the risk of experiencing that adverse effect makes the treatment unlikely to have a favorable benefit-risk ratio, even if it achieves the desired critical efficacy objectives. For instance, if vomiting is marked as a critical adverse effect, it implies that the user considers a treatment achieving the chosen efficacy objectives but carrying a risk of vomiting as probably not having a favorable benefit-risk ratio.
Using the GRADE methodology, the treatment’s effects on critical outcomes are analyzed, and if necessary, outcomes marked as important are also considered.
Why is it necessary to indicate the importance of therapeutic objectives?
Evimatic® aims to generate personalized, up-to-date information on the efficacy and safety of ADHD treatments. This personalization is achieved by allowing users to define the elements to consider when evaluating the efficacy, safety, and benefit-risk ratio of ADHD treatments. To be able for it, Evimatic® is connected to a database containing comprehensive information from studies investigating ADHD treatments. Based on the specified preferences, Evimatic® analyzes the treatments studied and identifies the treatment most likely to meet the user’s preferences. Given the numerous ADHD treatments available, each with varying efficacy and adverse effects, the evidence analysis performed by Evimatic® can vary significantly depending on the importance assigned to the different therapeutic objectives and adverse effects.
Below is a list of therapeutic goals with the necessary information to help users decide their relevance.
Do you need to make a clinical decision?
EVIMATIC® is the first digital health tool that generates decentralized, automated, personalized, participatory and explanatory treatment recommendations that are presented in the format of clinical practice guidelines.
Do you need to make a clinical decision?
EVIMATIC® is the first digital health tool that generates decentralized, automated, personalized, participatory and explanatory treatment recommendations that are presented in the format of clinical practice guidelines.